Get to know your photographer…

Hello! My name is Samantha and I am the owner of Willow + Grey Co. I reside out of Bloomfield, Connecticut, however, I love to travel and explore new places with my clients whenever I get the chance. I live with my boyfriend of 8 years, Elijah and two boys, Greyson and Levi! My boys are Irish twins (how fun, yup) and life is crazy sometimes but I could not imagine it any other way. My family means everything to me and they are the reason I work so hard. My hubby is my rock. He supports me in absolutely everything I want to do even when he knows that it may not be something he completely agrees with. He always trusts me and pushes me to be better and I am forever grateful to pursue my dreams.

Now, away from the sappy stuff. I have always loved photography. Whether it was just taking pictures at the park, pictures of my family, or capturing the small details of an object. I never thought about pursuing a career in photography until after my kids were born. I saw how fast they grew up and reached new milestones, it got me to to thinking about how many moments I will soon forget (still in denial that I won't) of their young lives. Pictures mean everything to me. I am constantly looking back at pictures from years past, never mind the pictures I look at from yesterday of my kids making a mess during breakfast because I thought it was the cutest thing. I want to tell the story of your family, your love and your relationships, and just capture an inside peek into your world that you'll always remember. These moments are the richest ones to look back on down the road and remember. I hope you can see the vision that I see so that you have something special to always look back on, share with friends and family, and to just remember your memories.